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Welcome to my Twin Flames Miracles page. You have not found your way here by chance, but because deep in your heart your soul longs for a true and permanent Love. This is the connection to your Twin Flame, your perfect and eternal partner.

I am here to support you on your journey to live your Divine life of Love with your Twin Flame. My own journey and healing process began in 2016 when I surrendered my life as I had known it and began a wonderful journey of self-discovery. At a time when I least expected it, I met my Twin Flame. We were both immediately overwhelmed by the unparalleled attraction and deep connection. Our wonderful connection also brought up a variety of patterns and feelings for us, and I sensed that something unique was happening. I knew my Twin Flame was loving me, he was holding up a mirror to me so that I could see what needed to be healed for our Union to thrive and go deeper into Love. Despite phases of separation, the Love between us never ended, it only grew strong and stronger. I searched for a long time to find answers on how to heal my inner-self.


After a while, I learned about the Teachings of Union from Jeff and Shaleia and their powerful healing tool, the Mirror Exercise. I had the most wonderful experience in using the Mirror Exercise, it easily transformed my upsetting feelings into Love and peace, giving me the power to release my own blocks and limitations. Now the path was clear towards Union and for my complete transformation into more and more self-love. I am infinitely grateful for the support I have received on my journey so far.


It is my heart’s desire and purpose to share my insights and experiences, and to invite you to join me as your Certified Ascension Coach to accompany you in your own healing process. Let me take you by the hand and guide you gently and safely through your feelings. Your Twin Flame Union is worth it! The journey can truly be light and joyful when you know how. If you decide to heal and dedicate yourself to your inner-work, the miracles, both big and small, are inevitable. They always happen when you allow more and more Love to flow in your heart. Are you ready to heal the illusion of separation from your Twin Flame and manifest your miracle of Harmonious Union?

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Carmen Preil | Twin Flames Miracles | Dual souls | Coaching
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I would be happy to support you.

Are you experiencing...?


  • A deep longing for your Twin Flame?

  • An unforgettable but elusive connection to your Twin Flame?

  • Fears, insecurities and self-doubt in your relationship?

  • Despair due to a lack of success?

  • The painful feeling of endless separation, ghosting or blocking?

  • The struggle with burdens from past relationships?

  • That your true Divinity and inherent value have not yet been fully explored?

  • A difficulty in discerning the difference between ego and your True Self?

If any of these questions resonate in your heart, I am here to support you on your journey.


Together we will...


  • Satisfy the longing and build a fulfilling connection to your Twin Flame.

  • Reveal the fastest way to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

  • Overcome the blocks and build a deeper mutual Love with your Twin Flame.

  • Enjoy and strengthen the romance and attraction with your true Twin Flame.

  • Accompany and support you individually on your unique Twin Flame journey.

  • Experience the joy of transformation as you manifest your Union and Divine Life together.


Ready to take this meaningful step?

Carmen Preil
Certified Ascension Coach with Twin Flames Universe



Twin Flames Miracles | Carmen Preil | Dual souls | Coaching
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Certiied Ascension Coach | Carmen Preil | Twin Flames Miracles | Dualseelen | Coaching
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